What's New!!!!
Council Newsletter
January 21 Respect Life Rosary at St. Eugene Church
January 21 Monthly Membership Meeting
January 25 Rosary Prior to 5:30 PM Mass
January 28 Conduct July - December Financial Audit
February 01 Rosary of the Unborn
February 02 Seven Sundays Devotion to St. Joseph #1
February 04 Respect Life Rosary at St. Eugene Church
February 07 First Friday Eucharistic Adoration
February 09 Seven Sundays Devotion to St. Joseph #2
February 10-11 Conduct Free Throw Contest
February 12 Business (Officers) meeting
February 13 Holy Hour
February 15 July - December Financial Audit Due
February 16 Seven Sundays Devotion to St. Joseph #3
February 18 Respect Life Rosary at St. Eugene Church
February 18 Monthly Membership Meeting
Praying the Rosary of the Unborn
Thanks to the efforts of Father Michael J. McGivney, assistant pastor of St. Mary’s Church in New Haven and some of his parishioners, the Connecticut state legislature on March 29, 1882, officially chartered the Knights of Columbus as a fraternal benefit society. The Order is still true to its founding principles of charity, unity and fraternity.
Knights are Catholic men, 18 years of age and older, who are "practical" (that is, practicing) Catholics in union with the Holy See, accepting the teaching authority of the Catholic Church on matters of faith and morals, aspires to live in accord with the precepts of the Catholic Church, and is in good standing in the Catholic Church.
Knights are committed to making their community a better place, while supporting their Church. Knights support their local Catholic Church and its causes, while deepening their faith; and they believe in protecting and enhancing their family life.
Council Information
St. Eugene Council 11911 is located at:
St. Eugene Catholic Church
72 Culvern St.
Asheville, NC 28804
Business meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month beginning at 7:00 PM
The Grand Knight for 2024-2025 is John Tadey.Council membership dues is $35 per year
Contact the Knights:
Email: gk11911.steugene@gmail.com
Our council's goal is to provide charitable services and support across the four Knights of Columbus Faith in Action program areas: Faith, Family, Life, and Community. Many of our events and activities are at St. Eugene Church.
Monthly activities include: Praying the Rosary of the Unborn, Leading the Parish in praying the Rosary prior to a weekend Mass, business meeting.
Quarterly activities include: Free Pancakes & Eggs Breakfast to collect donations for Catholic Charities, St. Eugene Youth Groups, Asheville Area Catholic Campus Ministry, and Culture of Life Activities; Family Socials to include Ladies Appreciation Dinner, Spring Social, Ice Cream Social, Christmas Dinner.
Annual activities include: Spaghetti Dinner, Mexican Dinner, Grillin' Knight, Fish Bake
On January 30, 1997 St. Eugene’s council was formed under District Deputy Orin Lundgren. The founding chaplain was Father Frank Cancro. The charter Grand Knight was Tracy Page. Other council officers included:
Deputy Grand Knight Tom Greenlee
Financial Secretary Fleming Browne, Jr
Treasurer Ray Browne
Warden Joe Young
When the council was first formed they held their meetings at Asheville Catholic School. They now meet at St. Eugene Church Social Hall.