January 2025 Council Newsletter
Faith Director
Life Director
Community Director
VAVS Newsletter (View/Download)
Council Prayer List
Council Birthdays
November 2024 Council Newsletter
Faith Director
Life Director
Community Director
VAVS Newsletter (View/Download)
September 2024 Council Newsletter
Grand Knight's Remarks
Faith Director
Life Director
Community Director
Golf Tournament - October 25
VAVS Newsletter (View/Download)
August 2024 Council Newsletter
Faith Director
Life Director
Community Director
Golf Tournament - October 25
VAVS Newsletter (View/Download)
July 2024 Council Newsletter
Past Grand Knight's Remarks
Faith Director
Life Director
Community Director
VAVS Newsletter (View/Download)
June 2024 Council Newsletter
Grand Knight's Remarks
Faith Director
Life Director
Community Director
Council Officer Elections
VAVS Newsletter (View/Download)
May 2024 Council Newsletter
Faith Director
Life Director
Community Director
Council Officer Elections
VAVS Newsletter (View/Download)
April 2024 Council Newsletter
Grand Knight's Remarks
Faith Director
Life Director
Community Director
VAVS Newsletter (View/Download)
March 2024 Council Newsletter
Faith Director
Life Director
Community Director
VAVS Newsletter (View/Download)
February 2024 Council Newsletter
Faith Director
Life Director
Community Director
VAVS Newsletter (View/Download)
Faith Director
Upcoming Church Events for:
Jan 25 Rosary Prior to 5:30pm Vigil Mass. The rosary will be led by Pat Irmen.
Feb 01 Rosary of the Unborn at Planned Parenthood Abortion Facility, start at 9 am
Feb 07 1st Friday Eucharistic Adoration (8am to 8pm).
Feb 13 Holy Hour in the Perpetual Adoration Chapel 8:45AM to 9:45AM
Feb 22 Rosary Prior to 5:30pm Vigil Mass. The rosary will be led by Doug Hauschild
I saw this article by Rachel Quackenbush in the January 13, 2025 newsletter, The Loop from CatholicVote. I thought it is worth passing on.( For the entire newsletter click on the link
https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?tab=rm&ogbl#trash/FMfcgzQZSjZmjSHgLSKgswQpLFqtvtDs then scroll down.)
Knights of Columbus launch new icon program featuring the Sacred Heart of Jesus
CV NEWS FEED // The Knights of Columbus recently unveiled its latest Pilgrim Icon Program, an initiative centered on devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The program launched at St. Mary’s Church in New Haven, Connecticut, the birthplace of the Knights of Columbus, with a Sacred Heart Holy Hour Jan. 3.
At the core of the Knights’ initiative is a reproduction of the iconic 1767 painting of the Sacred Heart by Italian artist Pompeo Batoni. This image is featured on more than 300 replicas of the icon, each blessed by Pope Francis, which the Knights will bring to parishes worldwide, encouraging Catholics to grow closer to Christ’s love and mercy.
“As my brother Knights of Columbus bring reproductions of this beloved image to parishes around the world, I hope that they will invite their families — and all families — to consecrate their homes and themselves to the Sacred Heart,” Supreme Knight Patrick Kelly said. “In the heart of Christ, we see the heart of the Father. And we ask Our Lord to help us make his heart our own, so that we may see and love in others what he sees and loves in us.”
The program’s launch began with a Mass for the feast of the Holy Name of Jesus, celebrated by Father Ryan Lerner of Blessed Michael McGivney Parish. During his homily, Fr. Lerner urged attendees to draw closer to Jesus and His Sacred Heart. “The name of Jesus casts out fear, anxiety and distress; reminds us of our need for a Savior; instills trust, brings peace, and unites our hearts more closely to his Most Sacred Heart,” Fr. Lerner said in his homily.
Following the Mass, a Holy Hour featured prayers, Scripture readings, and reflections from Pope Francis’ new encyclical Dilexit Nos (“He Loved Us”). The prayer service also included the Divine Mercy Chaplet, time for silent adoration, and excerpts from the Knights’ Sacred Heart holy hour booklet, also blessed by the Pope. “In many ways, Dilexit Nos can serve as a mission statement for the Knights of Columbus in today’s world,” Kelly wrote in his introduction to the Holy Hour booklet. “The pope observes that we live in a fragmented and divided society, but the heart of Christ is a unifying center. It is the source of truth and goodness that we all need.”
The program’s release coincides with the 350th anniversary of the Sacred Heart visions French nun St. Margaret Mary Alacoque experienced. These revelations introduced the First Friday devotion and the 12 promises of Christ’s Sacred Heart that are tied to it.
The Sacred Heart of Jesus is the 20th icon in the Knights’ Pilgrim Icon Program, which began in 1979 and has previously featured subjects like Our Lady of Guadalupe and St. Joseph (last 2 years).
Thank you to all who support our Faith Programs.
“To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible.” — St. Thomas Aquinas
Jesus said to him (Thomas), “Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe.” (Jn 20:29)
Vivat Jesus!
Dave Hetrick
Faith Director
God Bless You
Capuchin Seminarian Brother Yovani Salas, our "adopted" RSVP seminarian is stationed in Beacon,NY where he is helping in the infirmary. Brother Yovani Salas sent the council a Christmas Card thanking thje Knights for their spiritual and financial support. Brother Yovani offered prayers for us. He will continue the rest of the year in Brooklyn, NY where he will be working in several different apostolates.
Please keep Brother Yovani and all seminarians in your prayers.
Life Director
Brothers all,
America is facing a significant population crisis. Deaths will outpace births between now and 2055. Contributing factors include reduced illegal immigration, and women delaying motherhood, but some experts feel the trend started when oral contraceptives became available which they link to increased divorce rates and the breakdown of the nuclear family.
As Catholic Christians, we should take a strong stand for pro-life, family values.
Join us in praying the rosary for life on the first Tuesday at 7:00pm in the parlor, the third Tuesday a half hour before our meeting, or behind Planned Parenthood on Frederick St.on the first Saturday at 9:00am.
If you are unable to join with us, the Rosary of the Unborn is available on the council's web site at: www.kofc11911.org
Keep fighting the good fight.
Vivat Jesus,
Doug Hauschild
Life Director
Community Director
Brother Knights….
Our council members continue to help those still recovering from the devastations left from Hurricane Helene. A couple of generous parishes in Delaware collected donations and are shipping all the donated items in two containers, scheduled to arrive on January 21. Over the next couple of weeks, help will be needed to unload and distribute the food, supplies, clothing, and bedding. Look for emails with specific dates and times.
The Knights of Columbus State Council is assisting the Alan Campos Project in Swannanoa by providing manpower and financial support. The Alan Campos Project is rebuilding homes on Alan Campos Drive in Swannanoa. If you would like to help with the rebuilding effort, the State Secretary Rick Lewis is coordinating the Knights efforts. Help is needed with hanging drywall, painting, installing insulation, siding and roofing. Look for an updated email with more details.
We have our annual Free Throw Tournament scheduled for February 10 and 11 at Asheville Catholic School. An email with all the details and asking for volunteers will be sent out the week of January 20.
Plans are beginning for a Veterans Appreciation Breakfast as our annual Veterans Day Breakfast was cancelled following Hurricane Helene. More details to come.
Our annual Soccer Challenge at Asheville Catholic School, originally scheduled for last October, will be rescheduled for April.
Thank you to all my Brother Knights and their families for all your help over the last four months.
Vivat Jesus,
Tom Kotz
Community Director
Email: comm11911.steugene@gmail.com
Council Prayer List
Please remember in your daily prayers:
- Howard Borland's wife, Valerie
- Tommy Brooks and his wife, Robin
- Dennis Chance
- Bill Cook
- Mike Crowe
- Carl Dobson
- Pat and Bridget Irmen
- Eric Jedd's wife, Tracy
- Ed Korte and his wife Linda
- Homar Maldonado’s wife, Maria, and their daughter, Nancy
- Gene McNabb-Friedmann
- John Tadey and his wife, Mary and their daughter, Cathy
Council Birthdays
Please wish your Brother Knights who celebrate birthdays during January and February a Happy & Blessed Birthday.
Elbert Brown Jr |
Michael Crowe |
Carl Dobson |
Bob Gance |
Edward Korte |
Robert Mccullough |
David Stuart |
Jorge Carreras |
Raul Cervantes Alanis |
Patrick Clancy Jr |
Daniel Luna |
Bill Spangler |
Noe Valdez |
Michael Zboyovski |
Faith Director
Upcoming Church Events for:
Nov 28 Thanksgiving Day
Nov 30 Rosary Prior to 5:30pm Vigil Mass. The rosary will be led by Pat Irmen.
Dec 06 1st Friday Eucharistic Adoration (8am to 8pm).
Dec 07 Rosary of the Unborn at Planned Parenthood Abortion Facility, start at 9 am
Dec 12 Holy Hour in the Perpetual Adoration Chapel 8:45AM to 9:45AM
Dec 25 Christmas Day
Dec 28 Rosary Prior to 5:30pm Vigil Mass. The rosary will be led by Tom Kotz.
Even though All Souls Day has passed, we should continue to pray for the Holy Souls in purgatory. In fact, the Church dedicates the entire month of November to these suffering souls, urging us to remember them in our prayers.
Here are 5 ways to pray for the Holy Souls this month: 1. Visit a Cemetery (and Gain a Plenary Indulgence!) One of the most impactful acts of prayer for the Holy Souls is visiting a cemetery, where a plenary indulgence, applicable only to the Holy Souls, is available each day from November 1st - November 8th. A plenary indulgence removes all temporal punishment due to sin, so it is a wonderful gift to give to the Holy Souls. To gain the indulgence, follow these steps: Visit a cemetery and pray for the deceased. Fulfill the usual conditions for a plenary indulgence: go to Confession, receive Holy Communion, pray for the intentions of the pope (for example, an Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be), and be free from all attachment to sin, even venial sin. The confession may be completed within a few weeks before or after the indulgenced work and can count for a number of plenary indulgences. Holy Communion and the prayers for the Holy Father must be done for each work (preferably on the day of the work, but they can be done several days before or after). 2. Pray the Rosary or Chaplet of Divine Mercy Both the Rosary and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy are powerful ways to intercede for the souls in purgatory. The Rosary brings the consolation of our loving Blessed Mother to souls in need. Similarly, the Divine Mercy Chaplet, especially when prayed at 3 p.m. (the Hour of Mercy), is a plea for God’s mercy on all souls, especially those suffering purification. |
3. Offer the Sacrifice of the Mass Attending Mass is one of the greatest acts of charity we can perform for the deceased. The Holy Mass is the most powerful prayer because it is Christ offering Himself, the most perfect Sacrifice, to the Father. You can even arrange for Masses to be offered specifically for deceased loved ones or for the forgotten souls in purgatory. You can also offer your reception of Holy Communion up for a soul in need. 4. Perform Acts of Sacrifice and Charity We can also aid the Holy Souls by offering up sacrifices and acts of charity, such as fasting, abstaining from favorite foods, or giving alms. Any small sacrifice can become a source of grace for these souls when we offer it with love. 5. Pray the “Eternal Rest” Prayer The “Eternal Rest” prayer is a traditional and simple way to remember the Holy Souls. You can pray it anytime, especially when passing by a cemetery or in moments of quiet: Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
In this month of November, let’s remember our connection to the Holy Souls and dedicate our prayers, sacrifices, and Masses for them. Our prayers can truly make a difference, hastening their entrance into the eternal joy of heaven, where they will surely intercede for us in turn. (Taken from an email article I received from “Get Fed” on November 6, 2024.) |
Thank you to all who support our Faith Programs.
"Those who pray do more for the world than those who fight, and if the world goes from bad to worse, it is because there are more battles than prayers". General George S. Patton.
“The Lord is my light and my salvation, of whom should I be afraid?” Ps 27:1
Vivat Jesus!
Dave Hetrick
Faith Director
God Bless You
Capuchin Seminarian Brother Yovani Salas, our "adopted" RSVP seminarian is stationed in Beacon,NY where he is helping in the infirmary. He will continue the rest of the year in Brooklyn, NY where he will be working in several different apostolates.
Please keep Brother Yovani and all seminarians in your prayers.
Life Director
Brothers all,
The recent election is proving to be a windfall for the pro-life cause. The following pro-life individuals will be stepping into important government positions : Matt Gaetz as attorney general, Marco Rubio as secretary of state, John Thune as senate majority leader and multiple pro-life judges were elected to various state supreme courts.
Here's something that lands closer to home : Father Pat announced recently that 40% of our parish membership is now Hispanic. Political experts found the right's gain of Latino voters "stunning", "surprising", "impressive", and "significant". We, who are becoming familiar with these fellow parishioners aren't so surprised. They tend to be very devout Christians, and ,as such, couldn't tolerate the left's distancing itself from traditional family values, and pushing for abortion up to birth.
Join us in praying the rosary for life on the first Tuesday at 7:00pm in the parlor, the third Tuesday a half hour before our meeting, or behind Planned Parenthood on Frederick St.on the first Saturday at 9:00am.
If you are unable to join with us, the Rosary of the Unborn is available on the council's web site at: www.kofc11911.org
Keep fighting the good fight.
Vivat Jesus,
Doug Hauschild
Life Director
Community Director
Brother Knights….
Over the past six weeks since Hurricane Helene caused catastrophic damage in western North Carolina, our council has provided much service to our community. Brothers John Tadey and Pat Irmen joined me a couple of times to unload more than 50 pallets of water delivered to St. Barnabas Church in Arden. Many of yoor council brothers unloaded several trucks delivering water, food, and other supplies to Asheville Catholic School and St. Eugene Church. We also distributed these items to the school families, parish families, and people living in our local community and took a truck load to St. Andrew's Food Pantry in Mars Hill. Finally, on a weekly basis, our council has driven down to St. Barnabas Church to retrieve two pallets of bottled water and delivering it to Asheville Catholic School and St. Eugene Church.
Thank you to all my Brother Knights who have helped with these efforts, sometimes with getting short notice on truck deliveries. The great response for volunteers each of these times meant many hands made for light work. As Saint Paul said in his letter to the Ephesians: "For we are his handiwork, created in Christ Jesus for the good works that God has prepared in advance, that we should live in them."
Due to the after effects of Hurricance Helene, our annual Soccer Challenge at Asheville Catholic School is postponed until next April.
Our annual Veterans Day Breakfast has also been postponed to the new year as a Veterans Appreciation Breakfast.
Vivat Jesus,
Tom Kotz
Community Director
Email: comm11911.steugene@gmail.com
Grand Knight's Remarks
Thank You for all the help with parking at St. Eugene's picnic. Your help will be needed at several upcoming events including:
October 5th through 14th - St. Eugene Food Drive |
October 11th - Asheville Catholic School Chilli cook-off |
October 19th - Oktoberfest Dinner |
October 25th - First Annual Knights of Columbus Golf tournament |
The Black Mountain Center Foundation appreciates the donations the Knights of Columbus have made over the years to the Black Mountain Neuro Medical Treatment Center (BMTNC) through our Operation LAMB program. The BMNTC Fall Festival & Volunteer Reception will be held on Friday, September 20th recognizing the Knights of Columbus. The festival begins with a BBQ Meal at 10:30 with presentations beginning at 12:45pm. If you are interested in going, please contact Pat Irmen at patirmen@gmail.com.
Our next council meeting is on Tuesday, September 17th at 7:00pm We will pray the Rosary beginning at 6:30pm. I hope to see many of you there.
Vivat Jesus!
John Tadey, Grand Knight
Faith Director
Upcoming Church Events for:
Sep 28 Rosary Prior to 5:30pm Vigil Mass. The rosary will be led by Mark Simon.
Oct 04 1st Friday Eucharistic Adoration (8am to 8pm).
Oct 05 Rosary of the Unborn at Planned Parenthood Abortion Facility, start at 9 am
Oct 10 Holy Hour in the Perpetual Adoration Chapel 8:45AM to 9:45AM
Oct 26 Rosary Prior to 5:30pm Vigil Mass. The rosary will be led by Doug Hauschild
We Must Give to God and to the Poor: The Difference Between Alms & Tithes
A common misunderstanding is that almsgiving and tithing are the same thing, or that one can substitute for the other. In reality, they are two different acts of justice which are both required by the Gospel.
Almsgiving is an act of justice which falls under the principle of the Universal Destination of Goods. Thus, the goods of the earth, natural resources, are meant to be used by all people who need them. Every person has the right to those goods which they need to live a decent life. Each person has a right to work to procure these goods—suitable employment with a just wage is a human right. If someone is in need or is poor, then they have a right to receive alms—and Christians have a duty to give them alms. Christ is clear that we must give alms; it is not optional.
Almsgiving is divided into the seven spiritual and seven corporeal works of mercy, so there are a many ways we
can give alms and many different causes or organizations we could support with them). We can certainly choose to
give alms to charitable organizations (non-profits) who will use the money well. We can also boycott organizations
involved with various activities or products that do not align with the teachings of the Catholic Church. So in
almsgiving, we can take account of how the alms may be used.
Tithing is a completely different practice. These two acts are similar only in material sense: both are acts of giving away money. While almsgiving is a matter of justice towards others, towards the poor, tithing is a matter of justice towards God. Tithing is an act of the virtue of religion, which is concerned with giving God His due. Tithing is about giving a portion of our wealth back to God from whom it came.
Traditionally, tithes were paid at a ten-percent rate. While the Church no longer prescribes a set amount of tithes, Catholics are still bound on pain of mortal sin to monetarily contribute to the Church (CCC 2043). As a precept of the Church, this is as vital a duty as attending mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation. We are bound to give money to the Church as an act of worship towards God and justice towards the Church who spiritually nourishes us through the sacraments.
Tithing and almsgiving are distinct. Both are necessary. They cannot be substituted for each other. One cannot neglect either. One cannot choose only one option. One cannot do extra almsgiving instead of tithing, or extra tithing instead of almsgiving. We must both give to God and give to the poor. Taken in part from an article in the 28 Aug. 2024 Catholic Exchange by Mathew McKenna
Thank you to all who support the programs put on by your Council.
Faith Director
September 2024
"Those who pray do more for the world than those who fight, and if the world goes from bad to worse, it is because there are more battles than prayers". General George S. Patton.
“The Lord is my light and my salvation, of whom should I be afraid?” Ps 27:1
Vivat Jesus!
Dave Hetrick
Faith Director
God Bless You
Capuchin Seminarian Brother Yovani Salas, our "adopted" RSVP seminarian is stationed in Beacon,NY where he is helping in the infirmary. He will continue the rest of the year in Brooklyn, NY where he will be working in several different apostolates.
Please keep Brother Yovani and all seminarians in your prayers.
Life Director
Brothers all,
Scientists agree that life begins at conception. I believe that's also when our soul is united with our body, making it sacred to God and belonging to Him.
We are fearfully and wonderfully made in the imago Dei, or the image and likeness of God. This has profound implications for how we should treat one another, even the tiniest preborn baby, who has a divine birthright and inherent dignity that cannot be erased.
This makes the practice of abortion all the more disturbing. Preborns are seperate human beings from the mom who carries them and they deserve to be treated as children of our heavenly King.
Join us in praying the rosary for life on the first Tuesday at 7:00pm in the parlor, the third Tuesday a half hour before our meeting, or behind Planned Parenthood on Frederick St.on the first Saturday at 9:00am.
If you are unable to join with us, the Rosary of the Unborn is available on the council's web site at: www.kofc11911.org
Keep fighting the good fight.
Vivat Jesus,
Doug Hauschild
Life Director
Community Director
Brother Knights….
Our annual Soccer Challenge at Asheville Catholic School is now scheduled for October 1st & 7th. We'll need plenty of help on both days. We'll start each day prepping the field beginning at 7:30am. The current schedule is:
Tuesday, October 1: 8th grade at 8:10am, 7th grade at 8:55am, and 4th grade at 10:15am |
Monday, October 7: 6th grade at 8:10am and 5th grade at 8:55am |
On October 7th, we'll also be taking the first load of food collected from the Parish Food Drive to Catholic Charities. We will start that immediately following completion of the Soccer Challenge on the 7th. We'll also take the final load of food to Catholic Charities on October 14. Look for emails with further details and to volunteer to help.
I hope you've already marked your calendars for November 8 and 9. We'll be hosting our annual Veterans Day Breakfast on Saturday, November 9 with setup on Friday evening, November 8.
Vivat Jesus,
Tom Kotz
Community Director
Email: comm11911.steugene@gmail.com
Golf Tournament - October 25
The St. Eugene Knights of Columbus Council is hosting a Golf Tournament for Asheville Catholic School on October 25, 2024 at Reems Creek Golf Club in Weaverville. If you are interested in playing, please download the Registration Form.
Sponsorships are also accepted. If you are interested in a sponsorship, please download Sponsorship Form. There are three levels of sponsorships:
Sponsorship | Level |
Title | $2,500 |
Hole | $1,000 |
Shared Hole | $300 |
1. | Two Knights to assist at the Registration Table, sell Raffle Tickets ($10 per Ticket) and Sell 2 Mulligans ($10). |
2. | Two Knights to drive with drinks (water, soft drinks, etc) to the players during play. |
3. | Two Knights to disperse the hole sponsors signs to the tee boxes. |
4. | Purchase and pick up Donuts for the morning and set out on a table. |
5. | Retrieve the sponsorship signs after play is completed. |
6. | Stand by and hang out with Father Pat at his par 3 and collect the money each team pays to “Challenge Fr Pat” abd distribute the awards. |
Faith Director
Upcoming Church Events for:
Aug 24 Rosary Prior to 5:30pm Vigil Mass. The rosary will be led by Tom Kotz.
Aug 30-31 Eucharistic Congress @ Charlotte Convention Center
Sep 6 1st Friday Eucharistic Adoration (8am to 8pm).
Sep 7 Rosary of the Unborn at Planned Parenthood Abortion Facility, start at 9 am
Sep 12 Holy Hour in the Perpetual Adoration Chapel 8:45AM to 9:45AM
Sep 28 Rosary Prior to 5:30pm Vigil Mass. The rosary will be led by Mark Simon
"Those who pray do more for the world than those who fight, and if the world goes from bad to worse, it is because there are more battles than prayers". General George S. Patton.
August 13th we hosted a prayer service to celebrate the Feast Day of Blessed Fr. Michael J. McGivney. There were 15 Knights and parishioner at the prayer service. Father McGivney recognized the potential for the laity to actively participate in the mission of the Church so he founded the Knights of Columbus and instilled in them the principals; charity, unity and fraternity. Built around the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary, the prayer service featured writings from recent popes and reflections on the life of Blessed Michael McGivney.
Eucharistic Congress-August 30 and 31 details are on the Diocesan website charlottediocese.org. You can take part in a Eucharistic procession as it winds through uptown Charlotte and watch the premiere of “Triumph of the Heart” a feature-length movie about St. Maximilian Kolbe who sacrificed his life at Auschwitz. The convention is at the Charlotte Convention Center. Go for an hour or stay for both days, it is all free.
(Ancient) PRAYER TO ST. JOSEPH-I came across this prayer to St. Joseph in the KofC Vivat Jesus 2024 Edition. I especially like the line that goes like this: Press Him in my name and kiss His fine head for me and ask Him to return the kiss when I draw my last breath. “ask Him to return the kiss when I draw my last breath”, We ask St. Joseph to intercede for us on judgment day. Here is the entire prayer.
O St. Joseph, whose protection is so great, so strong, so prompt before the throne of God, I place in thee all my interests and desires.
O St. Joseph, assist me by thy powerful intercession and obtain for me all spiritual blessings through thy foster Son, Jesus Christ Our Lord, so that, having engaged here below thy heavenly power I may offer thee my thanksgiving and homage.
O St. Joseph, I never weary contemplating thee and Jesus asleep in thine arms, I dare not approach while He reposes near thy heart. Press him in my name and kiss His fine head for me and ask Him to return the kiss when I draw my dying breath.
St Joseph, Patron of departing souls, pray for me. Amen
Thank you to all who support the programs put on by your Council.
“The Lord is my light and my salvation, of whom should I be afraid?” Ps 27:1
Vivat Jesus!
Dave Hetrick
Faith Director
God Bless You
Capuchin Seminarian Brother Yovani Salas, our "adopted" RSVP seminarian is stationed in Beacon,NY where he is helping in the infirmary. He will continue the rest of the year in Brooklyn, NY where he will be working in several different apostolates.
Please keep Brother Yovani and all seminarians in your prayers.
Life Director
Brothers all,
A recent movie, "The Sound of Hope", tells the true story of 77 foster care children finding homes with 22 families from a small church community in Possum Trot, Texas. The movie depicts the struggles and abuse that many children in foster care experience, including mental health struggles, depression, self harm, and other coping mechanisms.Still, the 22 families followed the Lord's example of being a "father to the fatherless", as Psalm 68:5 says. Their story is a chapter in the long history of how Christians have, from the beginning of the Church, obeyed Christ's words : "For I was hungry and you gave me food, thirsty, and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, sick and you visited me and in prison and you came to me"
Increasingly, Christians are being prevented from doing their good work, especially in adoption related situations. In the past two years, two families in Vermont, who had both previously adopted, were refused additional children because of their religious beliefs.The state revoked the foster care licenses of the two families after new policies regarding sexual orientation, gender ideology and gender expression were implemented. These policies run counter to Christian teaching. Alliance Defending Freedom has filed a lawsuit on their behalf. . Other states, including Washington, Oregon and Massachusetts have passed similar policies . The silent majority can't afford to be silent anymore. We must stand strong.
The Knights of Columbus will lead the Rosary of the Unborn behind Planned Parenthood on Frederick St. on Saturday, September 7th, at 9:00 AM. If you are unable to join with us, the Rosary of the Unborn is available on the council's web site at: www.kofc11911.org
The St. Eugene Respect Life Committee will lead Rosaries at 7:00 PM on the first Tuesday and at 6:30 PM on the third Tuesday at St Eugene's. The third Tuesday will precede the regular monthly council meeting, so it might make attending a little easier. Please keep the right to life platform in your daily prayers.
Keep fighting the good fight.
Vivat Jesus,
Doug Hauschild
Life Director
Community Director
Brother Knights….
Asheville Catholic School starts the new school year on August 21st. That means, we'll be holding the annual Soccer Challenge at the school in the next month or so. As soon as I coordinate the days, I'll get an email out to the membership asking for volunteers to help.
Mark your calendars for November 8 and 9. We'll be hosting our annual Veterans Day Breakfast on Saturday, November 9 with setup on Friday evening, November 8.
Vivat Jesus,
Tom Kotz
Community Director
Email: comm11911.steugene@gmail.com
Golf Tournament - October 25
Past Grand Knight's Remarks
Next Tuesday, July 16, on our regular meeting night, we will have the new officers installation followed with an opportunity to build your own Ice Cream Sundae. Wives are certainly invited as well. Our officers meeting will address any other regular business that we need to address for the month, Hope to see y'all there Tuesday at 6:30 for the rosary followed with our installation..
Vivat Jesus!
Pat Irmen, Past Grand Knight
Faith Director
Upcoming Church Events for:
Jul 27 Rosary Prior To 5:30pm Vigil Mass. The rosary will be led by Doug Hauschild
Aug 2 1st Friday Eucharistic Adoration (8am to 8pm).
Aug 3 Rosary of the Unborn at Planned Parenthood Abortion Facility, start at 9 am
Aug 8 Holy Hour in the Perpetual Adoration Chapel 8:45AM to 9:45AM
Aug 13 Blessed Fr. Michael J. McGivney Feast Day
Aug 31 Rosary Prior to 5:30pm Vigil Mass. The rosary will be led by Dave Hetrick
"Those who pray do more for the world than those who fight, and if the world goes from bad to worse, it is because there are more battles than prayers". General George S. Patton.
In the works:
Celebrate Fr. McGivney’s Feast Day- August 13th we will host a prayer service for Blessed Michael McGivney. Father McGivney recognized the potential for the laity to actively participate in the mission of the Church so he founded the Knights of Columbus and instilled in us the principals; charity, unity and fraternity. We will celebrate the beatification of Blessed Michael McGivney through a special prayer service open to Knights, their families and the parish. Built around the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary, the prayer hour features writings from recent popes and reflections on the life of Blessed Michael McGivney.
November & December we will conduct our “Keep Christ In Christmas” bumper sticker hand out program. We will hand out bumper stickers weekend of Nov 23-24 and on Dec 4 we will hit the ACS get out of school car line.
Thank you to all who support the programs put on by your Council.
This month we celebrated Independence Day and as our rosary intentions so aptly reminded us, that our freedom came at a very high price and we never take our freedom for granted. Remember and bless those who have served and continue to serve and we pray our country will watch over their families and meet their needs. Lastly we pray that freedom will spread throughout the world.
“The Lord is my light and my salvation, of whom should I be afraid?” Ps 27:1
Vivat Jesus!
Dave Hetrick
Faith Director
God Bless You
Capuchin Seminarian Brother Yovani Salas, our "adopted" RSVP seminarian is stationed in Beacon,NY where he is helping in the infirmary. He will continue the rest of the year in Brooklyn, NY where he will be working in several different apostolates.
Please keep Brother Yovani and all seminarians in your prayers.
Life Director
Brothers all,
An 18 year old in New Mexico was caught tossing her newborn son into a dumpster. She was charged with attempted murder and child abuse. This earned her a sixteen year prison sentence.
Contrast this with attempts by some politicians to pass laws that would allow mothers (and doctors) to let their newborns die of neglect.
You can draw your own conclusions here.
Good news : The Iowa Supreme Court ruled last week that the states "heartbeat law" was constitutional. The Chief Justice Matthew McDermott pointed out that abortion became a crime in Iowa over 100 years before Roe v. Wade and there was nothing in the states history that suggested abortion was a fundamental right.
More good news : The National Abortion Federation (NAF) has been forced to cut the budget of it's hotline in half due to reduced support and funding.
The Knights of Columbus will lead the Rosary of the Unborn behind Planned Parenthood on Frederick St. on Saturday, August 3rd, at 9:00 AM. If you are unable to join with us, the Rosary of the Unborn is available on the council's web site at: www.kofc11911.org
The St. Eugene Respect Life Committee will lead Rosaries at 7:00 PM on the first Tuesday and at 6:30 PM on the third Tuesday at St Eugene's. The third Tuesday will precede the regular monthly council meeting, so it might make attending a little easier. Please keep the right to life platform in your daily prayers.
Keep fighting the good fight.
Vivat Jesus,
Doug Hauschild
Life Director
Community Director
Brother Knights….
Your officers are working on an activity schedule to lay out a 2024-2025 fraternal year calendar of events. We'll also be working with the church office to schedule the dates & times for some of the events. Once approved we'll get the information to you so you can plan better to help with some of the activities and events.
Paula and I want to wish you and your families a blessed and safe summer.
Vivat Jesus,
Tom Kotz
Community Director
Email: comm11911.steugene@gmail.com
Grand Knight's Remarks
It has truly been an honor to serve as your Grand Knight for the past couple years. I have learned a great deal and forged some wonderful friendships.
We have accomplished great things and set some great goals for John Tadey as he takes over the reigns. The council is strong and vibrant and I feel that I am leaving it in great hands and know that you will support John as you did me.
We have some activities coming up that we need your support:
June 18th | Ladies Appreciation Night at Sierra Nevada |
June 20th | Concessions at Tourists' Baseball Game |
July 2nd | Concessions at Tourists' Baseball Game |
July 16th | Officer Installation and Ice Cream Social |
Thanks to all of you for the support and fellowship.
Vivat Jesus!
Pat Irmen, Grand Knight
Faith Director
Vivat Jesus!
Upcoming Church Events for:
Jun 18 Ladies Appreciation Night in Lieu of Monthly Meeting
Jun 29 Rosary Prior To 5:30pm Vigil Mass. The rosary will be led by Tom Kotz
Jul 05 1st Friday Eucharistic Adoration (8am to 8pm).
Jul 06 Rosary of the Unborn at Planned Parenthood Abortion Facility, start at 9 am
Jul 11 Holy Hour in the Perpetual Adoration Chapel 8:45AM to 9:45AM
Jul 27 Rosary Prior to 5:30pm Vigil Mass. Looking for a rosary leader.
Feast Day For Blessed Fr. Michael J. McGivney
My Brothers, the 4 program categories of the Order are Faith, Family, Community and Life.
Faith-We believe in the Sacred Heart of Jesus, that His Body and Blood are present at the sacrifice of the Mass, we show our love and praise at our one-on-one encounter with God during Adoration, we ask the Virgin Mary to hear our prayers and petitions and to intercede through her Divine Son, Jesus, on our behalf, and we are blessed with His unconditional love. We need your support forthese programs.
Family-we are thankful to our wives and children, without their support we could not accomplish the things we do such as collecting food for Catholic Charities, hand out “Keep Christ In Christmas” bumper stickers and other programs that help bond the family together. We need your support for these programs.
Community-As Knights are tasked with taking Jesus out to the people and place that need Him most by helping those disadvantaged members of our communities — the homeless, the addicted, the elderly who may feel isolated and abandoned, and many others. We conduct OP LAMB (Least Among My Brethren) to support the mentally challenged. We need your support for these programs.
Life-We defend life from conception to natural death. We send this message by walking in Marches for Life, praying the Rosary of the Unborn at Planned Parenthood. We need your support for these programs and programs like Aid and Support After Pregnancy (ASAP)
Thank you to all who do support the programs put on by your Council.
“The Lord is my light and my salvation, of whom should I be afraid?” Ps 27:1
Vivat Jesus!
Dave Hetrick
Faith Director
God Bless You
Capuchin Seminarian Brother Yovani Salas, our "adopted" RSVP seminarian, recently sent a letter to the council thanking the council for our $500 donation to him. In the letter he also stated:
"Because of your donation, you will help me to pay for my
educational and traveling expenses during seminary. I thought I would give you an update on
what stage of formation I am in.
I am now entering into my fourth year of post-novitiate with the Capuchin Franciscans.
Currently for the summer I am stationed in Beacon,NY where I am helping in our
infirmary;however, I will continue the rest of the year in Brooklyn, NY where I will be working
in several different apostolates. This will be a time of further discernment as well as working
with vulnerable populations. Brooklyn will be a big change for me, but I am looking forward to
it! Please pray for me during this time of transition and for a good year in Brooklyn.
Once again thank you for your support, and for all the good you do for the Church! You
are in my prayers.
Please keep Brother Yovani and all seminarians in your prayers.
Life Director
Brothers all,
Mark Houck, a pro-life activist who was arrested in an early morning SWAT style FBI raid at his home with his wife and children present, and indicted by the DOJ for two alleged violations of the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act, and eventually exonerated, has, with the help of 40 Days For Life, filed a 4.3 Million dollar lawsuit against the government for targeting him.
This lawsuit has the potential to send a strong message to law enforcement across the country that the constitutional rights of pro-life advocates must be protected, and abuses of power will carry legal consequences.
Also, a Florida pregnancy center named "A Safe Place For Newborns" is celebrating the rescue of 400 babies from abortion or abandonment. They partner with hospitals, firefighters, and EMS professionals to provide protection for newborns and anonymity for the parents through the legal, and safe surrender of infants.
The Knights of Columbus will lead the Rosary of the Unborn behind Planned Parenthood on Frederick St. on Saturday, July 6, at 9:00 AM. If you are unable to join with us, the Rosary of the Unborn is available on the council's web site at: www.kofc11911.org
The St. Eugene Respect Life Committee will lead Rosaries at 7:00 PM on the first Tuesday and at 6:30 PM on the third Tuesday at St Eugene's. The third Tuesday will precede the regular monthly council meeting, so it might make attending a little easier. Please keep the right to life platform in your daily prayers.
Choose Life,
Doug Hauschild
Life Director
Community Director
Brother Knights….
Thanks to Pat Irmen, Rick Lober, and Mark Simon who joined me to help grill and serve hot dog lunches to the students, faculty and staff during the Asheville Catholic School Field Day on May 30th.
Over the next month, or so, I'll be working with your new Grand Knight John Tadey along with the other officers and directors to lay out a 2024-2025 fraternal year calendar of events.
Paula and I want to wish you and your families a blessed and safe summer.
Vivat Jesus,
Tom Kotz
Community Director
Email: comm11911.steugene@gmail.com
Council Officer Elections
Brothers All,
During the Membership Meeting on May 21, the St. Eugene Knights of Columbus Council elected Brother Knights who will lead the council during the 2024-2025 Fraternal Year which begins July 1.
Please congratulate and thank your Brother Knights for taking on these role as officers:
Officer Position | |
Grand Knight | John Tadey |
Deputy Grand Knight | VACANT |
Chancellor | VACANT |
Recorder | Mark Simon |
Treasurer | Leigh Atkinson |
Advocate | Ed Korte |
Warden | Tom Kotz |
Inside Guard | Scott Dalton |
Outside Guard | Doug Hauschild |
Trustee Three Years | Dave Hetrick |
Trustee Two Years | Alan Wyatt |
Trustee One Year | Pat Irmen |
Please note: The Financial Secretary is appointed by the Supreme Knight, Patrick Kelley. Brother Eric Jedd will continue with that responsiblity.
The Lecturer position is appointed by the Grand Knight.
Faith Director
Vivat Jesus!
Upcoming Church Events for:
May 21 Monthly Meeting @ 7pm preceded by a Rosary for the Unborn starting @ 6:30pm
May 25 Rosary at 5:30pm Vigil Mass. The rosary will be led by Doug Hauschild
June 01 Rosary of the Unborn at Planned Parenthood Abortion Facility, start at 9 am
June 07 1st Friday Eucharistic Adoration (8am to 8pm).
June 13 Holy Hour in the Perpetual Adoration Chapel 8:45AM to 9:45AM
June 29 Rosary at 5:30pm Vigil Mass. Looking for a rosary leader.
Holy Hour- For the past few months I have been writing about what we will be doing during our monthly Holy Hour. This month I would like to share with you “A Reflection on Eucharistic Adoration” by our Grand Knight Pat Irmen. He tells the “Why” and “What” of Eucharistic Adoration. You can view or download Pat's reflection at: A Reflection on Eucharistic Adoration
With our renewed spiritual awareness we continue to host a Holy Hour in the Perpetual Adoration Chapel (PAC) but please note the time change. We will begin at 8:45AM and not 9AM
Thank you to all who support the Faith Programs put on by your Council.
“The Lord is my light and my salvation, of whom should I be afraid?” Ps 27:1
Vivat Jesus!
Dave Hetrick
Faith Director
God Bless You
Capuchin Seminarian Brother Yovani Salas, our "adopted" RSVP seminarian, is now at Our Lady of the Angels Friary in Tucker, GA serving the Atlanta community. Please keep Yovani and all seminarians in your prayers.
Life Director
Brothers all,
Harrison Butker, kicker for the Kansas City Chiefs, recently delivered a courageous and countercultural commencement address at Benedictine College. To paraphrase, he said some of the graduating women would go on to successful careers in the world, but many would find fulfillment in making marriage and family their focus, which should be honored and celebrated. He went on to condemn abortion, surrogacy, and in-vitro fertilization, which the Catholic church considers moral evils.
Birth and fertility rates in the US have fallen to the lowest levels on record...most notably in blue states.
Also, when asked if they felt "Human life begins at conception, and an unborn baby is a person with rights", 74% of Republicans, and those leaning that way agreed. This compares to 34% of Democrats.
The Knights of Columbus will lead the Rosary of the Unborn behind Planned Parenthood on Frederick St. on Saturday, May 4th, at 9:00 AM. If you are unable to join with us, the Rosary of the Unborn is available on the council's web site at: www.kofc11911.org
The St. Eugene Respect Life Committee will lead Rosaries at 7:00 PM on the first Tuesday and at 6:30 PM on the third Tuesday at St Eugene's. The third Tuesday will precede the regular monthly council meeting, so it might make attending a little easier. Please keep the right to life platform in your daily prayers.
Buncombe County Special Olympics Spring Games are scheduled for Thursday, May 2 at T.C. Roberson High School. Look for an email soon asking for volunteers.
Choose Life,
Doug Hauschild
Life Director
Community Director
Brother Knights….
Presentation of the Knights of Columbus Soccer Challenge and Free Throw Tournament awards was held on May 10th at Asheville Catholic School. Grand Knight Pat Irmen, Deputy Grand Knight, and District Deputy Dave Hetrick presented certificates and medallions to the winners of each age category.
We have one more event before the Asheville Catholic School summer recess. On Thursday, May 23rd we'll be grilling Hot Dogs for annual ACS Field Day.
Vivat Jesus,
Tom Kotz
Community Director
Email: comm11911.steugene@gmail.com
Council Officer Elections
Brothers All,
The Trustees are proud to present the list of of nominations for the fraternal year 2023-2024. The Office of Chancellor is still vacant. If you would like to fill this position or would like to nominate someone for that position please come to the meeting and present your nomination or let Dave Hetrick know so he can update the list of nominations.
We will be voting on this slate of officers at our Members Meeting on Tuesday May 16th. If you would like to self nominate or nominate someone for one of these positions then you need to come to the meeting to make the nomination. It is an importatnt meeting because these will be our officers for the next fraternal year so please come out and vote to show your support.
The nominations are:
Officer Position | Nominee |
Grand Knight | John Tadey |
Deputy Grand Knight | VACANT |
Chancellor | VACANT |
Recorder | Mark Simon |
Treasurer | Leigh Atkinson |
Advocate | Ed Korte |
Warden | Tom Kotz |
Inside Guard | Scott Dalton |
Outside Guard | Doug Hauschild |
Trustee Three Years | Dave Hetrick |
Trustee Two Years | Alan Wyatt |
Trustee One Year | Pat Irmen |
Please note: The Financial Secretary is appointed by the Supreme Knight, Patrick Kelley. Brother Eric Jedd will continue with that responsiblity.
The Lecturer position is appointed by the Grand Knight.
Vivat Jesus!
Michael Cooney, Trustee
Dave Hetrick, Trustee
Alan Wyatt, Trustee
Grand Knight's Remarks
We had our 4th communal hour of adoration last Thursday. There were about 8 in attendance at the last couple. We will be doing it every 2nd Thursday of each month from 8:45-9:45.
We will be getting an American flag and a Vatican flag up at the church office as soon as we can get the lights figured out. I met with Bill Maloney about getting Duke involved for lights and installing new ropes on the flagpoles. He is getting first enrgy involved for a plan and execution for lights and I need to find a parishioner that has a bucket to install ropes on both flagpoles.
We have a new slate of officers proposed for the next two years with the exception of a Deputy Grand Knight and Chancellor. All will stay the same except John Tadey who will move up to Grand Knight and I will move to a trustee. We still need a Deputy Grand Knight and Chancellor. If anyone is interested please let Dave Hetrick or another trustee know.
So far we have had 4 new members (Jose Barrera, Abraham Mata, Silbino Gonzalez, and Hector Onate Perez) join the Knights of Columbus online and transferred into our council at a Combined Exemplification held on Sunday, January 21 following the 11:30 Mass. There were 18 people at the exemplification. Continue to welcome these new members as you see them.
We had a Fraternal Benefits Event following the last exemplification and would like to do another with the next exemplification to fulfill our requirements for Star Council.
We have two more new online members and now have six prospects (Juan Garcia, Rick Lober, Rigoberto Rivera, Miguel Martinez, Noe Valdez, and Omar Mayorga) to transfer into our council. Both Tom Kotz and Dav e Hetrick have been in contact with two men that are interested in joining the Knights. Our Field Agent, Greg Ross, has talked with all and all are ready and willing for exemplification and benefits program So the next exemplification is scheduled for after the 11:30 Mass Sunday April 28 and will be followed with a fraternal benefits gathering and since all understand English it will be done in English.
Thanks to all that helped with the Lenten soup and substance evening set-up and clean-up.
Thanks to those that helped set-up for the St Patricks Day gala at the church.
Thanks to all those that helped with the Lenten fish-bake Fri March 22 Proceeds went towards Mothers Day and First Communicant gifts. Thanks for all the help setting up cleaning up serving and food prep for this event.
Thanks to all who helped sell Raffle tickets after all the Masses March 2-3 and 9-10. There were 455 tickets sold and $1137.50 added to our to our council treasury.
Thanks to all the Knights that showed up and helped with the Beaverdam clean-up Bob Gantz organized and guided us on Saturday morning, April 13.
The North Carolina Knights of Columbus State Convention is in Raleigh on May 3-5.
Our Upcoming events include:
We will be working concessions at two Asheville Tourists on May 1 and May 14 starting at 9:30 AM. These are day games and we should be finsished about 2:00pm. This year it is $75.00 per person that shows up. The Tourists are asking for a minimum of 8 per game. Please mark your calendars. So far we have 8 signed up for the first two games but will take whoever comes. Two other dates: one for the Assembly on Thursday, June 20 and another for our council on Tuesday, July 2 with proceeds to go to Operation LAMB.
Special Olympics Friday May 2 at TC Robertson
Spirit of Hope is set up for Thursday May 9 at 6:00 PM at the Doubletree in The Village. It is a fundraising dinner there is no cost involved but they will ask for a donation after the dinner. Last year we as a council contributed $500 to the event and were listed as a sponsor. Would like to entertain a motion fir a donation this year.
Mother's Day Appreciation is the May 11 & 12
Cooking for Asheville Catholic Field Day on May 23.
We plan to honor the memory of our veterans on Memorial Day weekend with a prayer intentions book. Further details to come.
The schedule for the Silver Rose has been changed and we may be able to host it towards the end of May or the first week of June. More to come.
Annual Grillin' Knight is scheduled for Saturday, June 8 following the 5:30 Mass
Looking further down the road, the council along with Asheville Catholic School are planning on a Golf tournament. Buster Brown and I are working with Mike Miller and Mary Beale to get the process started. Looking for a co-chair with Buster from the school.
Silbino Gonzalez is the Knight of the month for showing up and working every function that we have had since he became a Knight just a few short months ago.
There will be lots of ways to help out and get involved in the next few weeks and we will talk about many of them in tonight’s meeting. >
Vivat Jesus!
Pat Irmen, Grand Knight
Faith Director
Vivat Jesus!
Upcoming Church Events for:
Apr 16 Monthly Meeting @ 7pm preceded by a Rosary for the Unborn starting @ 6:30pm
Apr 27 Rosary prior to the 5:30pm Vigil Mass. The rosary will be led by Joe Wheeler.
May 03-05 State Convention in Durham
May 03 1st Friday Eucharistic Adoration (8am to 8pm).
May 04 Rosary of the Unborn at Planned Parenthood Abortion Facility, start at 9 am
May 04 Sacramental Gifts for First Holy Communion
May 09 Holy Hour in the Perpetual Adoration Chapel 8:45AM to 9:45AM
May 12 Mothers Day
May 25 Rosary at 5:30pm Vigil Mass. The rosary will be led by Doug Hauschild
Holy Hour- We continue to host a Holy Hour in the Perpetual Adoration Chapel (PAC) but please note the time change. We will begin at 8:45AM and not 9AM. Please join us for an hour of prayer, scripture reading of the day, prayers for special intention, The Chaplet of Divine Mercy and concludes with personal time for your intention and prayers. This is a great opportunity to spend some time with God.
Annunciation of Our Lord/Day of the Unborn Observance-The actual feast day is March 25th but since that day was during Easter week it was move to April 8. That won’t happen again for the next 5 years. There were 15 people there to celebrate the coming of the Angel Gabriel to announce to the Virgin Mary the special mission God had chosen for her in being the mother of His Son. Observed around the world, this day, when celebrated on March 25 is exactly nine months before Christmas, invites us to focus on the baby in the womb, and reminds us that Jesus was once an unborn child himself.
Sacramental Gifts for those taking part in their First Holy Communion on May 4. There will be approximately 84 children receiving their First Holy Communion. The Council in partnership with Faith Formation will hand out gifts to the communicants. The gift is a neat package of a rosary, scapula, rosary pouch, a pin and a booklet on how to pray the rosary.
State Convention-Your Worthy Grand Knight, Pat Irmen, and Deputy Grand Knight, John Tadey will be heading out to Durham on the 3rd so please keep them in your prayers as they travel to and from Durham. Pray they are guided by the Holy Spirit as they make decisions the will affect the near future of the Knights in North Carolina.
By now you should have that the Diocese of Charlotte is getting a new Bishop,
Bishop-Elect Michael Martin who will be Ordained May 29.
Thank you to all who support the Faith Programs put on by your Council.
“The Lord is my light and my salvation, of whom should I be afraid?” Ps 27:1
Vivat Jesus!
Dave Hetrick
Faith Director
God Bless You
Capuchin Seminarian Brother Yovani Salas, our "adopted" RSVP seminarian, is now at Our Lady of the Angels Friary in Tucker, GA serving the Atlanta community. Please keep Yovani and all seminarians in your prayers.
Life Director
Brothers all,
75 years ago, the Church issued the "Universal Declaration of Human Rights",which emphasized a need to place "respect for the dignity of the human person beyond all circumstances" in the "center of every legal system"
On this 75th anniversary, Pope Francis issued Dignitas Infinita in which the Church resolutely reiterates and confirms the ontological dignity of the human person, created in the image and likeness of God and redeemed in Jesus Christ. It proclaims that "gender theory" plays into the "age old temptation to make oneself God"and that "sex change" surgery is a threat to human dignity. It also opposes surrogacy "through which the immensely worthy child becomes a mere object". In addition, it reinforces the Churches stance against euthanasia.
Life is sacred from conception to natural death.
The Knights of Columbus will lead the Rosary of the Unborn behind Planned Parenthood on Frederick St. on Saturday, May 4th, at 9:00 AM. If you are unable to join with us, the Rosary of the Unborn is available on the council's web site at: www.kofc11911.org
The St. Eugene Respect Life Committee will lead Rosaries at 7:00 PM on the first Tuesday and at 6:30 PM on the third Tuesday at St Eugene's. The third Tuesday will precede the regular monthly council meeting, so it might make attending a little easier. Please keep the right to life platform in your daily prayers.
Buncombe County Special Olympics Spring Games are scheduled for Thursday, May 2 at T.C. Roberson High School. Look for an email soon asking for volunteers.
God Bless
Doug Hauschild
Life Director
Community Director
Brother Knights….
Thanks to Bob Gance for coordinating our April 13 Spring Trash Pickup on Beaverdam Road and Culvern Street. Thanks to Brothers Matt Bradley, James Greene, Doug Hauschild, Pat Irmen, Steve Manfred, and Mark Simon for helping out. Two large trash bags were filled.
We have a few upcoming events at Asheville Catholic School:
May 10th - Presentation of the Knights of Columbus Soccer Challenge and Free Throw Tournament awards at Asheville Catholic School Pep Rally
May 23rd - Grill Hamburgers and Hot Dogs for Asheville Catholic School Field Day
Vivat Jesus,
Tom Kotz
Community Director
Email: comm11911.steugene@gmail.com
Faith Director
Vivat Jesus!
Upcoming Church Events for:
Mar 19 Monthly Meeting @ 7pm preceded by a Rosary for the Unborn starting @ 6:30pm
Mar 23 Rosary prior to the 5:30pm Vigil Mass. The rosary will be led by Tom Kotz.
Mar 24 Palm Sunday
Mar 31 Easter Sunday.
Apr 05 1st Friday Eucharistic Adoration (8am to 8pm).
Apr 06 Rosary of the Unborn at Planned Parenthood Abortion Facility, start at 9 am
Apr 08 Annunciation of Mary/Day of the Unborn Observance Prayer Service
Apr 11 Holy Hour in the Perpetual Adoration Chapel 9AM to 10AM
Apr 27 Rosary at 5:30pm Vigil Mass. The rosary will be led by Joe Wheeler
St. Joseph Pilgrim Icon prayer service, led by our GK Pat Irmen, despite the miniscule size of the print was able to do a good job on the presentation. There were 15 people who stayed after the 8 AM Mass to take part in the prayer service.
Holy Hour- We continue to host a Holy Hour in the Perpetual Adoration Chapel (PAC). Please join us for an hour of praying the rosary, daily scripture readings, prayers for special intention, The Chaplet of Divine Mercy and concludes with personal time for your intention and prayers. This is a great opportunity to spend some time with God.
Annunciation of Mary/Day of the Unborn Observance- April 8 is the feast day of the Annunciation of Mary/Day of the Unborn Observance. Come join us in celebrating the coming of the Angel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary to announce to her the special mission God had chosen for her in being the mother of His only son. There will be special intentions and we will pray the rosary using the Joyful Mysteries. Observed around the world, this day, exactly nine months before Christmas, invites us to focus on the baby in the womb, and reminds us that Jesus was once an unborn child himself. If you were expecting this to be on March 25th or wondering why this was changed to April 8th, since Mar 25 is during Easter week the Annunciation was moved to April 8th.
“The Lord is my light and my salvation, of whom should I be afraid?” Ps 27:1
Vivat Jesus!
Dave Hetrick
Faith Director
God Bless You
Please keep Capuchin Seminarian Yovani Salas, our "adopted" RSVP seminarian and all seminarians in your prayers.
Life Director
Brothers all,
The Knights of Columbus will lead the Rosary of the Unborn behind Planned Parenthood on Frederick St. on Saturday, April 6th, at 9:00 AM. If you are unable to join with us, the Rosary of the Unborn is available on the council's web site at: www.kofc11911.org
The St. Eugene Respect Life Committee will lead Rosaries at 7:00 PM on the first Tuesday and at 6:30 PM on the third Tuesday at St Eugene's. The third Tuesday will precede the regular monthly council meeting, so it might make attending a little easier. Please keep the right to life platform in your daily prayers.
Buncombe County Special Olympics Spring Games are scheduled for Thursday, May 2 at T.C. Roberson High School. Look for an email in the next few weeks asking for volunteers.
Grand Knight Pat Irmen has coordinated two dates with the Asheville Tourists to work one of the concession stands at the ball park. Both are daytime games for Education Days: Wednesday, May 1st and Tuesday, May 14th. An email will be sent out in the next few weeks asking for help. At least eight Knights, family members, or friends will be needed.
God Bless
Doug Hauschild
Life Director
Community Director
Brother Knights….
Thanks to Bob Gance, Dave Hetrick, Tim Leary, Hector Onate for helping out with paeking and traffic control at Asheville Catholic School's 17th Annual Shamrock Run on March 16th.
We have a few upcoming events at Asheville Catholic School:
May 10th - Presentation of the Knights of Columbus Soccer Challenge and Free Throw Tournament awards at Asheville Catholic School Pep Rally
May 23rd - Grill Hamburgers and Hot Dogs for Asheville Catholic School Field Day
Vivat Jesus,
Tom Kotz
Community Director
Email: comm11911.steugene@gmail.com
Faith Director
Vivat Jesus!
Upcoming Church Events for:
Feb 20 Monthly Meeting @ 7pm preceded by a Rosary for the Unborn starting @ 6:30pm
Feb 20 St. Joseph Pilgrim Icon Prayer Service
Feb 24 Rosary at 5:30pm Vigil Mass. The rosary will be led by Doug Hauschild.
Mar 01 First Friday Eucharistic Adoration (8am to 8pm).
Mar 02 Rosary of the Unborn at Planned Parenthood Abortion Facility, start at 9 am
Mar 14 Holy Hour in the Perpetual Adoration Chapel 9AM to 10AM
Mar 23 Rosary prior to the 5:30pm Vigil Mass. The rosary will be led by Tom Kotz.
Mar 25 Annunciation of Mary/Day of the Unborn Observance Prayer Service
Mar 31 Easter Sunday
St. Joseph Pilgrim Icon prayer service, flowing from the Year of St. Joseph declared by Pope Francis in 2021, and inspired by his apostolic letter Patris Corde, will be hosted by the Knights of Columbus to honor St. Joseph and pray for his intercession in preserving, cultivating and passing on the Catholic faith to future generations. Please join us on February 20th after the 8 AM Mass to pray for the intercession of St. Joseph in raising, guarding and preparing future generations.
Holy Hour- We continue to host a Holy Hour in the Perpetual Adoration Chapel (PAC). Please join us for an hour of praying the rosary, daily scripture readings, prayers for special intention, The Chaplet of Divine Mercy and concludes with personal time for your intention and prayers. This is a great opportunity to spend some time with God.
Saturday Rosary-each month the number of people that attend this rosary increases by one or two people. We are also getting people to join us via the live-stream. Please come and join us on the last Saturday of the month at 5 PM and pray the rosary with us.
Annunciation Of Mary/Day of the Unborn Observance- March 25 is the feast day of the Annunciation of Mary/Day of the Unborn Observance. Come join us in celebrating the coming of the Angel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary to announce to her the special mission God had chosen for her in being the mother of His only son. There will be special intentions and we will pray the rosary using the Joyful Mysteries. Observed around the world, this day, exactly nine months before Christmas, invites us to focus on the baby in the womb, and reminds us that Jesus was once an unborn child himself.
Vivat Jesus!
Dave Hetrick
Faith Director
God Bless You
Please keep Capuchin Seminarian Yovani Salas, our "adopted" RSVP seminarian and all seminarians in your prayers.
Life Director
Brothers all,
Our parish recently instituted a vital ministry called "Walking With Moms In Need" which provides both material and hands on assistance to pregnant women as well as moms with kids from newborn to two years of age. Not only are they helping the kids get off to a good start, but, by their corporal works, they are sharing the faith without the need for words. Support this ministry in whatever way you can. We can have some interesting conversations when people see guys our age buying diapers.
Pro-choice including abortion up to birth versus Pro-Life is again one of the battle lines in this year's elections. Organizations such as Planned Parenthood Action Fund, NARAL Pro-Choice America, and Emily's List are pushing for Americans to be forced to fund abortions, and they actively oppose legislation to stop infanticide. As Catholics we should educate ourselves in the positions of the candidates we are each considering ... and Pray for an end to this evil.
The Knights of Columbus will lead the Rosary of the Unborn behind Planned Parenthood on Frederick St. on Saturday, March 2nd, at 9:00 AM. If you are unable to join with us, the Rosary of the Unborn is available on the council's web site at: www.kofc11911.org
The St. Eugene Respect Life Committee will lead Rosaries at 7:00 PM on the first Tuesday and at 6:30 PM on the third Tuesday at St Eugene's. The third Tuesday will precede the regular monthly council meeting, so it might make attending a little easier. Please keep the right to life platform in your daily prayers.
God Bless
Doug Hauschild
Life Director
Community Director
Brother Knights….
The council held our annual Free Throw Tournamen at Asheville Catholic School on February 5th & 6th. Over 100 students participated. Thanks to all my Brother Knights who helped with the two day event. Special thanks to Aimee Crescend for helping to coordinate the dates and times for the school.
Asheville Catholic School asked the Knights of Columbus to help with the parking for the school's 17th Annual Shamrock Run on March 16th. I sent an email out to all the Knights with full details and asking to help. I hope you can help.
Vivat Jesus,
Tom Kotz
Community Director
Email: comm11911.steugene@gmail.com