Field Agent Bill Matthews
Cellular: (828) 371-2509
The Knights of Columbus insurance story begins in the winter of 1882 in the basement of
St. Mary’s Church in New Haven, Conn.
It was there that our Venerable founder, Father Michael J. McGivney, gathered the men of
his parish together to create a solution to a recurring problem.
Many Catholics — most of whom were immigrants — were working and living in unfavorable conditions.
And many, tragically, were dying young, leaving behind widows and orphans with insufficient
financial resources.
It was a cold reality that had confronted Father McGivney all too often — not only in the lives
of his parishioners — but in his own. As a seminarian, he was forced to leave school and return
home to aid his family when his father died unexpectedly.
Though this story of financial ruin for Catholic families was common, Father McGivney was convinced
that there was a way to change the ending. He knew that if the Catholic men in his parish came together
in mutual aid, widows and orphans could receive the support they needed.
He also knew that if Catholic men banded together, united by charity and unity, they could strengthen
their faith, their families, and their communities.
So, he established the Knights of Columbus, and with it, a “pass-the-hat” insurance system to protect
the Catholic families in his parish. Over time, that system has evolved, and today we stay true to our
founding mission through our multi-billion dollar, top-rated insurance program. Members in the United States
and Canada have exclusive access to our insurance program and products, including life insurance, retirement
annuities, long-term care insurance, and disability income insurance.
Our charitable giving and fraternal service have continued to grow too. Nearly 2 million men in over a
dozen countries across the globe are proud to call themselves Knights. Last year alone, these men and
their families donated more than $185 million to charity and performed more than 75 million hours of service.
For more information go to the Knights of Columbus Insurance web page